Eat Smart, Live Smart

16/07/2010 01:21

Eat Smart, Live Smart

Trying to eat well is one common concern among many people. Most want to lose weight and others want to keep it off or prevent themselves from gaining in the first place. One bit of helpful information is to become familiar with the foods that are best for you and can improve heart health, help you lose weight and more.

A healthy diet should always begin with a selection of natural foods. The best foods are the ones that had the least steps from nature to your plate. To keep your heart in good shape, a steady diet of fruits and vegetables is key. Most people regularly eat apples, bananas and oranges, but sometimes you need some delicious variety. Berries are full of nutrients, and they're versatile enough to add to salads, muffins, trail mixes and more. Sweet potato is a good substitute for regular white potatoes because of its vitamins and fiber, and spinach is more nutrient-rich than Iceberg and other lettuces. Don't be afraid to try ethnic dishes to have a new and tasty way to eat your produce.

I'm sure you also want to know about meat and protein. Fish, beef and poultry aren't all bad for you. You can't actually enjoy a balanced diet without healthy protein. Lean cuts of meat are okay for you, and fatty fish like salmon and tuna are actually very good for you. Beans are also healthy sources of good fats, and nuts like almonds and walnuts have a lot of plant omega-3's. The essential value of many beans, fish and nuts is that they provide your body with phytonutrients that help protect your heart.

Also, a key to a healthy diet is to treat yourself. I’m sure you were waiting to hear that good news. Treats like dark chocolate and red wine are actually good for you. These two foods contain nutrients called polyphenols that can reduce bad cholesterol, protect blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Eating "bad" is generally okay as long as you don't eat them often and enjoy in moderation. You're more likely to maintain a healthy diet when you don't feel like eating a couple cookies or chips is "cheating."

To begin living and eating well, you should start by making a few easy adjustments to your lifestyle. It's most important to enjoy exercise, a well-balanced diet and hobbies that enrich your life.