Vericose- Venis

06/08/2010 21:50

Author : Dr. Mrs. Shyamali Roy, Sr. Gynocologist

Varicose veins is a fairly common problem vth women these days. Long hours of standing at job and home can aggravate these conditions, These are commonly seen as fine network of blue veins on the thighs or calves. The more serious conditions could b thick knotty veins on the dependant parts of the body. Sometimes these veins become so thick that blood or blood components leak out of the area leading to ulcer like conditions. These do not heal very easily

   These are  enlarged veins and can appear anywhere on your body but mostly develpo on the legs. These are cosmetically ugly otherwse normally do not cause any problems.

   They are mostly seeen in women having to stand or sit for long hours or persons vth problems of constipation, indigestion ,lack of exercise, obesity or jobs relating to heavy weight liftings. There are females who develop varicose veins during pregnancy......which is due to hormonal changes during pregnancy.

    These conditions cause pain and swelling of the areas . Some develop a condition called 'restless leg syndrome' the person tosses and turns in bed during the nights . Does not sleep well. and is exhausted by the end of the night.  Some develop eczema which do not heal easily. Since these symptoms are aggravated in the elderly due to lack of elasticity of the is the elderly who normally turn up in the doctor's clinic. It also affects the men. about 30% of all people suffering are males.

  There are many ways to address this problem.we can also try and prevent the early onset of the disease.

 I  advice persons who have a job which demands prolonged standing or sitting to go for short walks .in between their office breaks. Even simple exercise like ankle rotation while at chair helps. also using long socks extending upto the knees are very helpful to prevent varicosity. There are some very effective yoga aasanas which help you in preventing this. Especially....sarvangaasanas....halaasanas...dhanurasan done under the able guidance of a yoga guru. Simple postures like sitting in padmasanas and vajrasana could b very helpfull in preventing the develpoment of the disease,Iimproving on ones diet and adding more of fibres like green leafy vegetables ,fruit with their pulp, chapattis instead of rice can wonder wonders.

    But once the varicosity has developed and cause disturbance in day to day activities of life..I  suggest  you to attend a clinic.  Delay in meeting a docter can lead to irrepairable complications. 

When should you rush to your doctor.........

 * your veins have become swollen and painfull.

*the skin over those varicosity becomes flaky and discharging fluid or blood

*if  you injure those veins

*.if u feel the affected area speading in size

There are many specific medications which check and sometimes help to completely cure. vitamin e and certain calcium tablets also help in curing the varicosity. There are some agents which are injected into your problamatic veins to disperse the clogging and rectifying the swelling and pain.  Physiotherapy and proper technical massaging is very helpful. Ayurvedic medicines claim to completely cure  if taken under the able care of a trained acharya. Nowadays the various naturopathic clinic coming up are very ideal and satisfying places to give you relief.

  Besides having a painful itcching condition these are also cosmetically disturbing to many women

 A very smooth planned combination of change in and medications will deffinitely help you  overcome or better still go beyond the knott issue.